Destiny College

Destiny College

DLR are proud to partner with Destiny College.
Destiny College is an International Christian Leadership Academy, existing to equip and release people to fulfil their God-given potential and purpose in life.

Please visit their website at –

To accompany study at Destiny College; here are some of the books & audio from two of the Destiny College Evening Classes available for download.

    • Destiny College: Ten Lessons – Audio Package


      Destiny College have a range of courses for you to get involved with. During the 2020 UK Lockdown, they launched a daily broadcast where a teaching session was available to all over the final term. This audio package is a collection of 10 lessons from 10 teachers (1 lesson each)…

    • Teaching & Preaching – Destiny College Course Audio


      Communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ, unpacking and explaining God’s Word, while also relevance to who you’re speaking to; these are such valuable skills that many people have taken years of study, practise and prayer over honing and perfecting. As if the task itself wasn’t important enough, Destiny College bring…

    • Dating – Destiny College Course Audio


      In popular culture, it’s nearly always intimacy first… but in a Biblical culture, it’s commitment first – Andrew Owen   In today’s culture, dating can be a very complicated maze of feelings, thoughts and questions… “Are we right for each other?” / “Where is the line?” / “What does God…

    • Prophecy


      The Back to the Book series tackles certain subjects in life that need the wisdom and guidance that the word of God gives. Prophecy looks at growing your life as God intended! Written by Gordon Mackintosh. [UK DELIVERY ONLY]

    • The Bible


      The Back to the Book series tackles certain subjects in life that need the wisdom and guidance that the word of God gives. This book looks at getting the most out of God’s Word. So often, even as believers, we can underestimate the power, truth and life that we can…

    • Evangelism


      The Back to the Book series tackles certain subjects in life that need the wisdom and guidance that the word of God gives. Evangelism looks at God’s powerful Word in action! Written by Tim Brown. [UK DELIVERY ONLY]

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