We are on a mission to get the word out! We value the word of God in it’s entirety, and we also value the wisdom and power that also comes from the preached word. Browse through our range of teaching series’ available to download!
Which Lion is in the Wardrobe? – Audio Series
£5.00An intriguing study into the book of Ephesians. Through it, we will ask a question in each part “This or That?” In June 2021, Destiny Church began a series titled “Taking Ground” which is taking a look at the book of Joshua & the book of Ephesians simultaneously – the…
IMPACT21 – Audio Recordings
£5.00Impact21, our conference for Students and Young Adults focused on John 4:23-24 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his…
Dating – Destiny College Course Audio
£10.00In popular culture, it’s nearly always intimacy first… but in a Biblical culture, it’s commitment first – Andrew Owen In today’s culture, dating can be a very complicated maze of feelings, thoughts and questions… “Are we right for each other?” / “Where is the line?” / “What does God…
Can I Get a Witness – Audio Package
£0.00A collection of 5 stand-alone messages by Destiny Church Glasgow Senior Pastor Andrew Owen & Lead Pastor Craig Denham on the subject of witnessing, praying and sharing with those who are yet to know Christ. This package includes: You Be the One – Andrew Owen Harvest Time – Andrew…
Sent! – Audio Series
£5.00Based on Senior Pastor Andrew Owen’s book ‘Sent! – A Handbook for Effective Evangelism’, this 7-part teaching series unpacks aspects such as praying for the sick, leading someone to Christ & much more! This is a downloadable audio series – available to all.
Destiny College: Ten Lessons – Audio Package
£5.00Destiny College have a range of courses for you to get involved with. During the 2020 UK Lockdown, they launched a daily broadcast where a teaching session was available to all over the final term. This audio package is a collection of 10 lessons from 10 teachers (1 lesson each)…
Teaching & Preaching – Destiny College Course Audio
£10.00Communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ, unpacking and explaining God’s Word, while also relevance to who you’re speaking to; these are such valuable skills that many people have taken years of study, practise and prayer over honing and perfecting. As if the task itself wasn’t important enough, Destiny College bring…
Together As One – Audio Package
£10.00The Surge Conference has always been a time for coming together. After the challenges of a pandemic, and to celebrate the return of gathering together again for the conference, we have brought you some highlights from the previous times that we came together as one! These 8 audio tracks feature…
International Leaders’ Day – March 2021
£5.00Twice a year, Destiny Ministries host the International Leaders’ Day. This day is set aside for leaders throughout the church to join together to be encouraged and glean from the Word. Although the world is facing a pandemic, and many countries are still not able to have meetings in person;…
God of Miracles – Audio Series
£5.00Audio Series: God of Miracles is a 7 part series brought at Destiny Church Glasgow. In this series, Andrew unpacks the truth from within the book, plus some extras. Part 1 – Andrew Owen Part 2 – Ivan Squillino Part 3 – Guests Speaker: Peter Pretorius Part 4 – Andrew…
Point of Contact – Audio Series
£5.00A series within a series – Point of Contact takes a look at the true power and significance behind communion, under the umbrella of the series Receiving Receivers. This series takes a sacrament, a ritual, a practise that followers of Christ has been taking part in for centuries, and shows…
Fully Functioning Faith – Audio Series
£5.00God has given you faith as a gift, and nothing pleases Him more than when you use it. This subject is the biggest thing to be learned as a believer – if you can take hold of it, it will totally transform and revolutionize your life. An 11-part in-depth teaching…
Diamonds: Guest Collection – Audio Package
£8.00A collection of messages from some of our guest keynote speakers at Diamonds Conferences through the years. These ladies travelled far to bring us timely Words from God to equip us and strengthen us to make us all Battle Winners! Deborah Ong – “Acquiring Wealth” Ann Pretorius – “Using Your…